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Loads Consumption Reports

This article is the fourth in the "IAMMETER Energy Consumption Report" series.

Other articles:

13.1 Bill Reports

13.2 Energy Consumption Analysis

13.3 Other Analysis

This includes the following report content:

  • Load Comparison
  • Special Load Source Analysis

Load analysis

Load Comparison

Application scenario: Monitor the power consumption of a household. The tank boiler is the most energy-consuming device. Therefore, a single meter (or one phase of a three-phase meter) is used to monitor the tank boiler and is configured as a "special load."

As shown below, Phase C of the three-phase meter is configured as the "special load" to monitor the tank boiler, while Phases A and B are used to monitor the grid.

Configure the meter type of "load" for the tank boiler

Then open the "Load Comparison" report to view the comparison between Phase C as the "special load" and "Other load."

The chart includes two parts:

  1. Phase C: "special load"
  2. Other load: All loads except the "special load."

The relationship between their power consumption is as follows: Special load power + Other load power = Total load power

Total load power = grid power + solar output power

Load analysis

Special Load Source Analysis

Analyze the solar output proportion in the "special load." For more details, refer to New report: Special load source analysis.

Special Load Source Analysis

If the tank boiler accounts for a significant portion of your electricity bill, you can monitor its energy consumption and solar proportion by configuring it as a "special load."

You can then consider adopting IAMMETER's PV Heater Control System.

This chart visually demonstrates how the solar proportion in powering the tank boiler can significantly increase after introducing IAMMETER's PV Heater Control System.

Here is a real-world hot water heating example of this new report


13.1 Bill Reports

13.2 Energy Consumption Analysis

13.3 Other Analysis

13.4 load Analysis
